Dear Ella,
You are a toddler! How did this happen? You turned two last month and it was a blur because you never sit still. You are on the verge of becoming a big sister. Your life is going to change forever and I feel like there is no way of really preparing you. We read books and you tell me the baby is in my belly, but do you really know what baby sister is or how she will forever change your world?
I'm excited for you to have a sister as I never had one, but I'm also scared that you won't be my baby anymore. Each day you do something new - new words, new play, new sweet hugs and kisses. It reminds me you aren't my baby anymore. You are my big girl!
You have a spirit that is so big and so lively that I almost can't keep up! You sing and dance and love to help me. One of my favorite memories of us together is baking and cooking. You sit on the chair next to me and help mix the ingredients or count out how many eggs or veggies to add. I hope that as you grow we can still share these moments...if I can ever slow you down!
We have gone on many adventures just the two of us. You are my little buddy and I can't tell you how much having you in my life means to me. No matter where we go we are together and we have each other. I'm never alone because you are my little shadow. I hope that your sister can fall into our little club and we can have adventures with her too!
As your life is about to change forever, I want you to know that one thing will always stay the same. I will always love you, cherish you, and be here for you. I might have to share my time, but my heart doesn't need to be shared, it will grow so each of you will have just as much of my love.
To my first baby, I wish you always know my love and always know that you are special to me. Always will be.
Love you,