Dear Ella,
Today you turn three. Whenever it was my birthday my Grandma would call and tell me the story of my birth. She would say that I was born early in the morning and they had to rush out of the house so fast my brother didn't have time to put shoes on. My Aunt Charlene came out of the room crying saying "It's a Girl!" because in those days you just never knew if it was a boy or a girl. It is a special story to me.
Your birth story is even more special. You were a week late. I sat each day in your nursery and would cry because you weren't coming. Then one day I went for a long walk with my dog, Star, and came home. I wasn't feeling very well so I took a nap and then started dinner. We had pulled pork sandwiches and sat down to watch the Mariner's. Just after dinner I started to feeling weird. I wasn't sure what it was, but then it started to get really painful. Your Daddy was rushing around and I got out the hospital paperwork that I never bothered to read and it said I should go in when my contractions were three minutes apart. Mine were only one minute apart. We rushed off and when we got there they made me do all sorts of tests while I was in horrible pain. You finally came after four hours and were the most perfect baby ever. They doctors were amazed by your soft hair, perfect color, and beautiful shaped head. We all cried because we were so happy to finally have our Ella with us.
Today on your birthday you woke up VERY early and we ate waffles with whipped cream and sprinkles. Then we went to visit your preschool that you start in two days. You were the sweetest little girl saying hello and good bye to the teachers. We then went to the park and played until it got a little too cold out and came home and watch a movie.
You are an amazing little girl. You are a leader, caring, funny, and so creative! You can sing and dance and love to read and play pretend. I can't wait to see what your threes will bring because you always amaze me with your talents.
I love you so very much!