Thursday, May 15, 2014

Daredevil Ella

Dear Ella,

You are my daredevil. I can't say this enough. It is like your little soul was born with fire around it and you just like to put sparks out everywhere you go! We went to the park yesterday and you played for two hours non stop. I think I said "No Ella" about a hundred times because you wanted to go down the slide wrong, jump on little kids, try to climb up big toys, and run away into the bathrooms.

Here is the secret, I may act annoyed or exhausted by your spirit, but I love it! I love that you are uninhibited. That you don't care what the world may think. That you chase after challenges like they are there just for you. It is amazing to me because I've always been careful to a fault. I never try the scary things, but here is my little girl running straight for the scary and unfamiliar and conquering them with no fear. You are my wild child and it is just what I need to keep me on my toes and to remind me to keep moving and doing.

I hope you never lose this spark. I hope the world doesn't try to take away your fire and that you always wander and find and challenge.

I love you so much my little firecracker!


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